Health & Wellness

Items used in a spa, including towels and a pumice stone.

Things to Consider Before Going on a Wellness Journey

Assess current health status and identify any physical and mental health conditions.  Gather basic information such as age, weight, and height, and consult a medical professional. Take care of oral health and visit a dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings.  Identify wellness goals and create a plan to achieve them.  Make lifestyle changes that support […]

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A woman just sitting in front of cupcakes

Best Tips for Breaking Unhealthy Eating Patterns

Identify triggers of bad eating habits, such as stress and boredom, and avoid or manage them. Distinguish between cravings and true hunger, and seek medical help for eating disorders. Focus on nutrient-dense foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, to stay strong. Practice mindful eating by paying attention to your food, savoring each

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elderly man eating apple

Tips for Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Living with a long-term health condition is common in America, so a healthy lifestyle is crucial. A balanced diet, including diverse food groups and organic foods, can enhance overall health. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and staying hydrated can prevent chronic diseases and boost mental health. Managing stress levels through relaxation techniques and positive thinking is

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man preparing his fruit shake

Staying as Healthy as Possible at Home: What to Consider

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Good air quality and natural lighting are essential for health in the home. Health-related features like a well-equipped kitchen and home gym promote healthy habits. Outdoor amenities like gardening and swimming provide exposure to natural elements, reducing stress. Quality sleep is essential to

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exercising woman

Careers for Physically Active People

Physical therapy is a rewarding career option that requires a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. Personal training involves creating individualized workout plans for clients and providing support to help them achieve their fitness goals. Working as a tiler requires taking the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) Test for tilers and having the necessary government certification.

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woman looking at color samples

Personalizing Your Home: A Creative Outlet for Mental Health and Well-Being

Personalizing your home can bring comfort and relaxation, significantly improving your mental health and well-being.  Decorating and personalizing your living space can be a great way to affect your overall mental health and well-being positively.  Adding vibrant colors, rearranging furniture, creating photo collages, or finding inspiring artwork can make your home an inviting sanctuary.  Upcycling

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eating vegetables

Staying Healthy as You Enter Adulthood: Tips and Strategies for a Longer, Healthier Life

• Stay up-to-date on health screenings and visit the dentist regularly for oral checkups. • Exercise for at least 150 minutes per week, including strength training and stretching. • Eat a variety of nutritious foods and limit your intake of processed and packaged foods. • Get 7-8 hours of sleep per night and manage stress

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smiling woman

How To Have the Perfect Smile for Your Graduation

Visit the dentist to ensure your teeth look their best and keep up with regular check-ups. Use whitening strips or toothpaste to safely brighten your teeth in time for the ceremony.  Improve your lifestyle by avoiding foods and drinks those stain teeth, oil-pulling, and drinking fluoridated water.  Develop healthy oral care habits for the long-term

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