Alternatives to Trophy for Your Local Sports League

It’s no secret that trophies are expensive. Some can cost up to $500, which is a big price tag for something that kids will likely lose or break within six months.

And when you consider what many of them look like (a little gold plastic figure on a base), it may not seem worth the cost at all. That’s why some local sports leagues are starting to move away from awarding trophies to players as a way of recognizing their achievements.

However, there are a lot of creative alternatives to awarding trophies that can be just as meaningful – and oftentimes, much less expensive. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular alternatives to trophies that your local sports league can use to show appreciation for a job well done.

Certificate of Appreciation

Certificates of Appreciation are a great way to show appreciation for a job well done. They can be customized to include the name of the player, the sport they played, and the date of the game or match. Certificates of Appreciation can be printed on a standard piece of paper or cardstock, or they can be ordered from a professional printing company.

Certificates can also be displayed in a frame or photo album, which will help to keep them safe and protected.

Letter of Commendation

A Letter of Commendation is another great way to show appreciation for a job well done. Like certificates, letters of commendation can be customized to include the name of the player, the sport they played, and the date of the game or match. Letters of commendation can be written by the coach, the team captain, or a league official.

Letters of commendation can be saved and displayed in a frame or photo album, just like certificates.

ribbon with a medal being lifted by the winner

A medal is a type of award that is typically made of metal and is given to someone who has achieved a notable accomplishment. Medals can be worn around the neck, or they can be attached to a ribbon and worn on the chest.

Medals are often given out by governments or military organizations to recognize bravery or heroism. They can also be given out by sports leagues to recognize outstanding achievements. Medals can be a great way to show appreciation for a job well done, and they often have more meaning than a simple trophy.

A championship belt

There’s no doubt that a championship belt would be a memorable way to recognize the achievement of a local sports league. Not only is it something that players can proudly display, but it also has a lot of symbolism behind it.

A championship belt would be the perfect alternative to awarding trophies to players who have excelled in their sport. You can even get belt buckles customized with your league’s logo or the player’s name.


A plaque is a type of award that is typically made of wood or metal and is given to someone who has achieved a notable accomplishment. Plaques can be displayed on a wall or in a trophy case.

Plaques are frequently handed out by governments or military organizations as tokens of honor or bravery. They may also be presented by sports organizations to commemorate outstanding accomplishments. Plaques may be a wonderful method to express thanks for a job well done, and they frequently have more significance than a simple prize.

Trophy Cup with NO figure on a base

A Trophy Cup with NO figure on a base is a great alternative to awarding trophies to players who have excelled in their sport. Not only is it less expensive than traditional trophies, but it’s also a unique and memorable way to show appreciation.

A display case is a transparent storage box with an art-deco design that may be customized to include the information and details about the win. A Trophy Cup without a figure on a base can also be safely kept in a frame or photo album.


Ribbons are often seen as a symbol of appreciation or commendation. They are usually less expensive than trophies and can be just as meaningful to the recipients. They can also be a nice way to commemorate an achievement or event.

Ribbons are highly customizable, so you can find ones that match your league’s colors or theme. You can also have them engraved with the player’s name, team name, or other relevant information.


When it comes to rewarding players for their accomplishments, leagues are starting to move away from trophies and towards more meaningful alternatives. Whether you’re looking for a way to show appreciation or want something that will last longer than a trophy, the options provided above may be just what you need.

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