Obesity and Overweight: What’s the Difference?

• Obesity and overweight are different conditions with obesity having a BMI of 30 or higher, while overweight has a BMI of 25-30.

• People with obesity or overweight have a higher risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, mental disorders, cancer, and chronic pain.

• Healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep can help in managing weight and avoiding potential health risks associated with obesity or overweight.

• It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid any problems related to your weight.

• Discuss any concerns you have about your weight with your doctor, so they can guide you on what steps to take for the best health outcomes.

Obesity and overweight are terms that are often used interchangeably. However, they actually refer to two different conditions. It is important to know the difference between them in order to understand how to best address a health issue related to weight. Read on to find out what these terms mean and how they differ from each other.

Obesity vs Overweight

Obesity is defined as having an abnormally high body mass index (BMI) for one’s age, sex, and height. A BMI of 30 or higher indicates obesity. This means that an individual with a BMI of 30 or higher has more fat than what is considered healthy for their age, sex, and height. It also indicates that there is a risk of developing certain medical conditions due to excess body fat.

Overweight, on the other hand, refers to an individual who is above the recommended weight range for their age, sex, and height but not yet obese. In this case, the BMI ranges from 25-30 which suggests that there is some excess body fat but it does not pose as many health risks as obesity does.

Risk Factors

Individuals who are obese or overweight have a higher risk of developing certain medical conditions. Here are some of them.

Heart disease on a man

Heart Disease

One of the most common health risks associated with obesity and overweight is heart disease. This is because when there is too much fat in the body, it can lead to high cholesterol levels and increase the risk of developing high blood pressure. This can then lead to more serious heart problems.


Another medical condition that can be caused by obesity and overweight is diabetes. Excess fat in the body can cause insulin resistance which increases the risk of this chronic disease. Diabetes is a deadly condition that can lead to other serious health complications such as kidney damage, stroke, and heart attack.

Mental Disorders

Obesity and being overweight can also lead to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. These conditions can further affect an individual’s quality of life and make it even more difficult for them to maintain a healthy weight.


Being obese or overweight can also increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer. Some studies have linked excess body fat with an increased risk of colon, breast, endometrial, and pancreatic cancers.

Chronic Pain

Lastly, obesity and being overweight can also lead to chronic joint pain. This is because the extra weight places an additional strain on certain parts of the body, leading to inflammation and long-term discomfort. One way to deal with this is by getting an experienced physical therapist. They can help with stretching and strengthening exercises that can help reduce the pain.

Managing Your Weight

It’s important that you manage your weight properly in order to avoid the risks associated with obesity and being overweight. Here are ways to do that.

Healthy diet for people

Healthy Diet

Eat a nutritious and balanced diet or at least try fasting. Fasting is a way of getting rid of toxins and excess fat from your body while also allowing it to rest. It’s important to make sure that you are getting enough essential nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals in your diet.

Exercise Regularly

Regular physical activity is important for maintaining a healthy weight. Try to aim for 30 minutes of physical activity every day if possible. This can include walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling. Exercise helps to burn calories and build muscle mass which both help in maintaining a healthy weight.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is an important part of staying healthy, so make sure that you are getting enough sleep at night. Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep every night to be well-rested and alert during the day.

Managing your weight is important in order to avoid potential health risks associated with obesity and being overweight. Make sure that you are taking the steps to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This can help you stay healthy and avoid any potential health issues related to your weight.

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