10 Million Americans Have Haemorrhoids: 3 Ways to Reduce Your Risk

Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swollen veins in the lowest part of the rectum and anus that are similar to varicose veins. The condition is one of the most common causes of rectal bleeding. While haemorrhoids are rarely dangerous, patients are urged to see a doctor to ensure that they are not serious enough to lead to life-threatening blood loss. Doctors may use Haemoband to remove haemorrhoids that are very painful or won’t go away. About 10 million Americans have haemorrhoids at any given time, and about half are anticipated to suffer from it by age 50. What can you do to prevent this painful condition?

Keep Your Stool Soft

Constipation and passing large stools can increase the pressure in and around the anus, and they seem to be a common reason why people develop haemorrhoids. This means that keeping your stool soft so that you can pass them easily may help prevent haemorrhoids. Drinking plenty of fluids or six to eight glasses of water and other non-alcoholic liquid every day can help keep your stools soft.

Make sure that you include high-fibre food in your diet such as vegetables, fruits, and grain. A high-fibre diet can soften the stool and increase its bulk, which can help avoid the straining associated with haemorrhoids. If you’re not used to having fibre, add it slowly to your diet so that you can avoid problems with gas. The recommended amount of fibre intake is 25 grams per day for women and 38 grams per day for men. Most people do not actually get this recommended amount of fibre from their diet.

If you have difficulty getting enough fibre from your food, you may want to consider fibre supplements. These supplements are in themselves beneficial to haemorrhoid sufferers. Studies suggest over-the-counter supplements can improve symptoms and bleeding from the condition as they keep the stool soft and regular. The use of these supplements, however, may backfire if you do not drink plenty of water. Fibre supplements can make constipation worse if you do not drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

Observe Healthy Toilet Habits

Finger flushing toilet

Go to the toilet as soon as when you feel the urge to pass a stool. Some, however, suppress this and go to the toilet later. This causes bigger and harder faeces to form, which makes these stools more difficult to pass. Resist the urge to strain to try to empty the rectum further. Straining and holding your breath when passing a stool causes greater pressures in the veins in the rectum.


A sedentary lifestyle such as sitting for too long can increase the pressure on the veins in your anus. You can prevent constipation and reduce pressure on the veins if you stay active. Exercise can also help you keep yourself fit or lose excess weight that can increase your odds for haemorrhoids.

A large percentage of Americans are at risk of haemorrhoids. These simple tips should help you reduce your odds of suffering from the painful condition.

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