You do not want to be stuck in a place running low on funds. It might ruin your holiday despite all the positive memories you have gathered before the fiasco. No matter how hard you budget for your Singapore holiday, you might be surprised at how many expenses could crop up unexpectedly.
Here are ways to make the most of your holiday budget for meals.
Prepare yourself to have a moment sitting in your hotel room not knowing where to eat for dinner. There are hundreds of places to eat in Singapore, but you cannot try all of them in one visit even if you tried. Your holiday may be a couple of days up to several months, but each restaurant likely has hundreds of dishes to try.
There is only one thing to do: crowdsource. Ask people where they like eating in Singapore and ask them the best dishes they can recommend. If you do not want to ask blatantly, many review sites and guides already have a compiled list just waiting for you. Start there and check each restaurant menu to find places worth visiting. Note the prices as well, so you will not be surprised by a hefty bill.
Go for Variety
Your holiday is not just about the aesthetics and the outfits you wear to fancy places. It is about the experience. Food can be quite expensive in Singapore. That is one thing you need to understand before you pack up for your trip. However, you do not need to be crazy rich to stay for a holiday. What you need is a smart plan. This plan includes finding good restaurants to try and going for street food and hawker food stalls as well.
You are hitting two birds with one stone using this approach: You are experiencing Singapore in its most authentic form, and you are managing your finances wisely. Rather than spending on expensive restaurants meal after meal, you can splurge on dinner and try a cheap but filling breakfast followed by lunch with your friends, so you can share portions you cannot finish by yourself.
Know the Restaurant Rules
Prices for each meal can already set you back a significant amount, but if you do not know the rules, you might have to pay more. This is especially true if you have decided to treat yourself to a birthday dinner — and cake. Singapore cafes may charge you anywhere from $5 to $30 to cut your own cake, a price you could have spent on another meal.
There is no standard ‘cakage’ fee, and you may get lucky if you end up in a restaurant that does not ask for the extra payment. However, it is more likely that you have to pay for the cake-cutting fee, so prepare for that. Or better yet, take the cake back to your hotel for a more private celebration.
There is a lot to see in Singapore, and there are even more things to eat. To save time and money, start with the restaurants worth trying.