Could a dentist in Richmond help put a smile on your face?

Let your smile shine

In today’s world of uncertainty, it can often be difficult to put on a brave face. However, as science dictates, doing so is actually beneficial to our health. When we smile, our brains release chemicals called dopamine and serotonin, which combine to give us an elated feeling of joy. This being said, for those who have teeth which are visibly stained, missing, crooked or broken, smiling can seem to be a challenge. Those who suffer from cosmetic dental concerns often actively refrain from smiling to minimise the risk of exposing these concerns to the world. This can have a seriously damaging result on how we feel internally, and can end up impacting our lives in countless ways. Thankfully, by seeking out the aid of a reliable, trusted dentist in Richmond, people who require it can have their cosmetic dental concerns seen by a professional in a timely and professional manner. By doing so, it is possible to eradicate any visible signs of deterioration or damage to your teeth and, in turn, massively boost your self- esteem and confidence in a lasting and positive way.

romantic relationship

Beautiful smiles change lives

Having missing teeth – especially if the space is clearly visible from the outside, such as when the top or front teeth are missing – can be the root of a great deal of anxiety and embarrassment. Aside from setting you apart socially, and impacting on how other people may view you in a superficial sense, having an untreated gap in your mouth can also lead to some serious negative health ramifications. Thankfully, through seeking out dental implant treatment the risk of this happening can be permanently put to rest. Rather than covering up the missing tooth at a surface level – as common treatments such as dental crowns do – implants work fundamentally by replacing the lost tooth at its root. This is achieved by inserting a manufactured tooth root made of titanium alloy directly into a patient’s jawbone. This titanium alloy tooth root eventually bonds itself with the patient’s existing bone structure, and thus allows for a prosthetic to be permanently fixed in place exactly as a natural tooth would be. By opting for dental implants, patients can craft themselves a beautiful new smile which is as sturdy and durable as natural teeth should be, and change how they look and feel, forever.

Cosmetic tooth whitening

Another common concern which patients have about the way that their smiles look is the shade of their enamel. If you smoke cigarettes, or regularly consume drinks such as black coffees, teas or red wines, then there is a risk of the surface enamel – the outermost layer of tooth – becoming marked or stained. Additionally, as we age the whiteness of enamel naturally fades with time. This can be the cause of a great deal of embarrassment, and has spurred many patients into seeking professional, cosmetic dental care as a result. Cosmetic tooth whitening is one of the most popular forms of cosmetic treatment, due to its ability to visibly whiten a patient’s smile in as short a time as an hour. This is achieved initially through the creation of a custom-built retainer using the patient’s unique tooth shape. Into this retainer a quantity of a peroxide-based bleaching agent is placed, before being put over the patient’s teeth. The hydrogen-peroxide within this bleaching gel begins to instantly burn away any surface level stains, discolouration or yellowness until the patient’s teeth are visible whiter and brighter. Those who opt for cosmetic teeth whitening often find it to have a massively positive impact on their self-esteem and confidence, as they are no longer embarrassed about the shade of their enamel.

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