The 4 Main Indicators of an AC Refrigerant Leak

The warm climate during summer may be awesome, but sometimes it may get too hot, making your workspace intolerable. In such a scenario, a properly functioning AC unit may come in handy. You will be able to cool down the room temperature to one that will get you working at the optimum level.

Unfortunately, just like other machines, you may find that your AC unit is not giving you the expected results. You have put on the usual settings, but the room remains hot. The problem can be quite frustrating, especially if you cannot tell the reason behind it. In such a case, it would be wise to call an air-conditioning repair expert in Riverview, Florida to take a look at your AC unit. You should, however, note that a problem in the cooling of your AC unit is often a result of its refrigerant leaking. Read on to learn more about the symptoms of an AC refrigerant leak.

1. Loss of Cooling Power

The primary role of an AC refrigerant is to assist in the cooling process. The coolant works by absorbing the heat from your room and releasing it outside. That said, a leak in your refrigerant will lead to a reduced amount of refrigerant, so lesser heat may be absorbed.

2. Frozen Evaporator Coils

The freezing of the evaporator coils is often a result of the reduced amount of refrigerant circulating through them. This leads to the coils not having the ability to absorb heat, so the condensation on the coils freezes. You will then notice that after some time, the condensation melts and drips on the floor. While a majority may mistake this as a normal activity, you should know that the freezing of the coils may lead to a major breakdown, which calls for a spare part purchase, such as the compressor.

Electrician Repairing Air Conditioner Standing On Stepladder

3. Hissing Sounds Emanating from Your AC Unit

The reason behind your AC refrigerant leak can be that there are cracks or holes in the coils. The leaking of the refrigerant through the holes can lead to the production of a hissing sound. If the hole is large, you may hear a gurgling sound. You should, however, note that it is not at all times that a hissing sound indicates a refrigerant leak.

4. Higher Electric Bills

You will be surprised that you will sometimes discover an AC leak without having to inspect your AC unit. The trick behind this is to keep a close eye on your monthly electric bills. In the case that the bills get to the point that they are higher than usual and you cannot pick a reason, it may be because your AC refrigerant is leaking. Low refrigerant levels lead to an increased length of time before your AC unit gets to the thermostat’s set temperature. As a result, your AC unit consumes more energy.

Some people may be tempted to increase the amount of refrigerant to solve the problem since it’s a cheaper strategy, but it does not permanently fix the issue. Sealants are not also the ideal solution since if improperly used they can lead to blockages. For you to make work easy and get your AC unit fixed the appropriate way, seek the services of an HVAC repair expert.

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