What’s Wrong With My Garage Door?

Say for example you’ve lived in a house in Utah for over a year. Eventually, you become accustomed to the house’s quirks. Suddenly, you’ve learned how to sneak out the front door without making a sound, how hard you should bang on the faucet to make it work, even how to balance on that dining room chair that will collapse at any second.

One thing that’s noticeable for most households is the sound of your garage door. It’s quite distinct and could vary from house to house. Some squeak out a super high pitched noise that you could almost swear that your ears bled a little. There are others that make low rumbling sounds as the parts grind on each other.

No matter what kind of annoying sound your garage door may be producing, one thing’s for sure, it’s broken. Here’s how:

1. Friction sensitive surfaces

As with most doors that make squeaking sounds, it might be caused by the hinges that are needing some lubricating. When metals aren’t ideally slippery, it creates friction that translates either into a spark or a screeching sound. In both cases, speed is the factor that determines the result.

For the former, a quick rubbing of both metals is needed to create that spark. Meanwhile, the latter doesn’t generate a spark because of how slow both metal parts are rubbing off of each other.

It may also need lubrication when it starts to make a rattling or grinding sound. This is because the metal surfaces are finding it difficult to slide against each other due to friction.

2. Loose parts

Your garage door is likely to make noises when parts of it start to loosen up. It loses its original integrity and form, therefore allowing all of its other components to clink and clank against each other.

car entering through garage door

There could be a lot of things that might have loosened up. Your first instinct would probably tell you that it’s the nuts and bolts. You may not be wrong either. Loose nuts and bolts could give you a wonky movement when you’re opening or closing your garage doors. In turn, it creates these vibrating or worse, rattling noises.

Another part you may want to check out is the chain. A loose chain can cause the door to just bang the ground even though it’s still a few inches above the ground.

The rollers and hinges also tend to loosen over time. This may cause your garage door to wobble here and there, creating squeaky sounds that will make you want to kick the door.

3. Installed wrong

There are just some things that are meant to be done by professionals. Not everything can be DIYed, and if your garage door is starting to make weird noises, then that might just be proof. This can also be observed if you’re having above average difficulty of either opening or closing the door. It will be easier to tell if you have one that is automated because it would just stop halfway through.

Hopefully, these few examples helped you determine what’s wrong with your garage door. Remember, as much as possible, please call the professionals. If you plan on reconstructing the whole thing from scratch, all the more reason to go to the experts.

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