Financial and Retirement Planning

window tint

Auto Window Tinting: How Dark is Too Dark?

Tinting your car windows helps block harmful ultraviolet rays while driving on the roads of Salt Lake City. It also keeps the temperature in your car at a comfortable level. Although it provides these benefits to drivers and passengers, the installation of window tinting is subject to existing standards, particularly when it comes to the […]

Auto Window Tinting: How Dark is Too Dark? Read More

Clean kitchen interior

Remodeling Project: The Smart Homeowner’s Guide to a Better Kitchen

An outdated kitchen doesn’t just look unappealing. It may also prevent you from maximizing the space. For example, your family’s grown, but the space for dining hasn’t, and eating together often means sitting in different areas in the kitchen. So a remodel may be in order. The good news is that reinventing the space doesn’t

Remodeling Project: The Smart Homeowner’s Guide to a Better Kitchen Read More

men putting concrete

Concrete: A Sustainable Solution?

Concrete and construction are not exactly the words that will pop into your head when you think about sustainability. Then and now, in Salt Lake City and in the rest of the United States, the images associated with concrete usually include coal, steel, heat, and rubble, none of which exactly scream green or climate-friendly. However,

Concrete: A Sustainable Solution? Read More

eco-friendly home

Did Millennials Fuel the Rise of Eco-Friendly Homes?

Scientists say the global temperature will continue to rise for the coming years because of the greenhouse gases that human activities produce. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the temperature is likely to rise by 2.5 to 10° Fahrenheit over the next century. This global crisis encourages people to follow a sustainable

Did Millennials Fuel the Rise of Eco-Friendly Homes? Read More

garage storage

Garage Care and Cleaning Checklist

The garage is perhaps one of the sections of your home that is exposed to the most abuse and dirt. Garages aren’t just where we park our vehicles, but it also serves as a storage space, a toolshed, a workshop, or even a laundry area. This exposes it to dirt, oil, impact, heat, and other

Garage Care and Cleaning Checklist Read More

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