Damage-Proofing: Protecting Your Home Against Natural Disasters

Colorado may be nestled away from the hazards of poles, volcanoes, or coasts. But that doesn’t mean the residents are completely safe from natural disasters. In fact, five counties in Colorado were found to be at a very high risk of housing damage from natural hazards. Denver is at sixth highest risk, according to a 2017 report.

Knowing this, you must protect your home to reduce the damages of these natural incidents. Here’s how:


While floods don’t jeopardize Denver, CO that much, they can still damage your home. It pays to have flood insurance. This will cover water damage cleanup, repair, and restoration of your home.

To reduce stormwater entering your house, consider digging swales or depressions. This will direct the water away from your home. In addition, consider using porous outdoor surfaces to help water seep into the ground. You may use gravel or brick to do this.

But to be safe, move your HVAC equipment, boilers, and utilities to a higher floor. This will prevent floodwater from reaching them when it enters your home.


Earthquakes can cause items in your house to fall. This will not only cause you home damage but will also endanger your life. Strap down TVs and computers with safety buckles. This ensures that they won’t move should an earthquake strikes.

Anchor bookshelves and cabinets that might tip over during an earthquake. Use flexible fasteners to anchor them to the studs on the wall. For drawers and cabinet doors, install latches so that they won’t swing and smack you. This will also prevent its content from falling.

Then, rearrange objects in your home. Heavy objects should be on lower shelves to prevent them from falling. Remove hanging items from above couches, chairs, and beds.



Secure the doors, windows, and roofs before a storm hits. Consider installing shutters to protect yourself from flying debris. You may also opt for impact-resistant glass. For the roof, be sure to use the right construction fastening system to prevent it from flying. Choosing the correct fastener will save you from housing damage caused by hurricanes.

Don’t forget to clear your patio of loose items that can be blown away during the storm. These include furniture and dead branches from trees.

Hail Storm-Proofing

Hail storms are among the reasons Denver is a high-risk county in Colorado. That said, you must pay attention to protecting your home. Install shutters to keep your window from cracking or shattering. Opt for permanent shutters if you want to keep the look of your home pleasing to the eyes.

Go for dent-resistant metal roofing or rubber style roofing. This will keep damages on your roof to a minimum. Common asphalt shingles don’t hold up well to frequent and powerful hail storms.

Prune trees as well to keep them from falling on your house. Don’t forget to move outdoor furniture inside your home. This is one obvious thing that people usually forget when the storm hits.

Residents get complacent thinking that the place is relatively safe from natural disasters. But the truth is you’ll never know when a damaging disaster will strike. A responsible homeowner is always ready for natural calamities. That said, you should be aware of these weather-proofing tips to keep your home and family safe all the time.

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