Did you know there are health benefits to having oral implants fitted? Read on to learn the top 5!

When many people think of cosmetic procedures, the last thing they think of are the potential health benefits.

Of course, when it comes to mental health benefits, there are many to speak about concerning cosmetic surgery but what about physical health benefits? In the same way that someone who has had a broken nose could benefit from better breathing by having their nose straightened, a person who has lost teeth could benefit if they have oral implants fitted.

While a relatively new procedure, the benefits of oral implants have long been theorised about by dentists. Today, as this treatment becomes more common, more people than ever before are noticing the difference that even having one dental implant in Melbourne fitted has made to their health.

But how can having one dental implant impact on your physical health and wellbeing so dramatically? Read on to find out!

Better digestion

It is an easy thing to overlook when thinking about cosmetic dentistry, but teeth are designed to be the first stage in breaking down food.

So, if you have missing teeth, it is not only harder to bite into food but it is also tougher to break down food correctly, leading to potential issues with digestion such as acid reflux and heartburn. Even if you have only lost one tooth, having a single dental implant from a dentist in Melbourne fitted can ease the breaking down of food, thus creating a more comfortable digestive process.

Reduced chance of gum disease

Gums that are not holding teeth in place can act as a magnet for plaque and bacteria to accumulate on.

And, while you may not associate tooth loss with gum disease, areas where there are missing teeth can act as a hiding place for plaque to go undetected, and cause inflammatory issues such as gingivitis. Therefore, having implants fitted when you have lost teeth can reduce the areas in which plaque and bacteria can hide.

Reduced likelihood of decay

How does having a missing tooth increase the chance of tooth decay?

Similar to the gums being exposed, any natural teeth that are in your mouth are now exposed due to the missing tooth, resulting once again in a suitable place for plaque to hide during brushing.

Implants reduce these areas and can protect your natural teeth from being attacked and broken down by decay.

Bone regrowth

Have you noticed that a natural tooth in your mouth has moved since you had an extraction?

This is because your jawbone is no longer holding a tooth in place, and has receded, causing any surrounding teeth to move.

Having implants fitted after a full dental extraction can promote jawbone regrowth, prevent surrounding natural tooth loss and keep all of your natural teeth perfectly aligned.

Better sleep patterns

Missing teeth equate to a higher incidence of nocturnal grinding, which can cause headaches, neck pain and disrupted sleep.

Having oral implants fitted creates better symmetry between both the jaws, reducing the incidence of grinding and creating better sleep patterns.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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