Protecting Your Floors From Damage

Wooden flooring is a classic for a reason: it can look better with age and it’s a flooring material that’s widely used in many buildings all over the world. As something that is relatively easy to install and quick to source, it became a popular material of choice to work with, not just when it comes to flooring.

But wood also has a very particular enemy when it comes to its longevity: moisture. Not only does it physically weaken the structure over time; the damp environment can also cause other types of damage.

Aside from that, there’s a couple of things you should also keep an eye on if you happen to have wooden furniture. If you just hired experts in wooden floor installation in Kansas City, you should watch out for the following situations:

Proximity to water lines

One of the main sources of water damage often occurs when a pipe bursts or starts leaking near a wooden surface. While most wood can handle an occasional dousing or two with water, continuous, repeated water exposure can often have drastic effects on many wooden fixtures.

This is even more crucial in areas that may not have proper shielding or installation of water fixtures. Over time, there are many things that can easily erode or damage water lines, and if you don’t have the proper barriers in place, it becomes extremely easy to get water damage even without you knowing.


orange retro furniture on wood floor

The type of furniture you have in your house also plays a big role. Since wood isn’t a completely solid material like concrete or stone, any weight that settles on it for a prolonged period can either warp or bend wooden tile floors, causing discoloration or even cracking in the worst circumstances. Always take note of the weight of your furniture before settling them on a wooden floor.

In addition, if you happen to move furniture across a smooth wooden finish, the lack of wheels, rubber feet, or carpeting can definitely cause some sort of scratching or scuffing on the surface. It’s always a good idea to protect the finish of your floors in this case.


Finally, the weather can also contribute to the state of your wooden floors. If you aren’t careful, moisture or other external factors like rain can eventually eat away at wooden floors. The things that we do to keep the weather out—for example, if you light a fire on snowy days—can affect our flooring as well.

Weather effects are even more pronounced when the wooden flooring happens to be outside the house. You need to maintain and protect outside flooring against moisture, heat, and other elements, which is why other materials are usually more preferred when looking for flooring options. It doesn’t mean you should let go of wood entirely, but be prepared to invest more time and effort.

Wooden items have proven to be wonderful additions to your house. You just need to choose the right one and take good care of the material. Keep these things in mind to ensure that your wooden floor, furnishings, and other belongings will last longer.

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