Remodelling Your Bathroom the Eco-friendly and Energy-efficient Way

Bathroom upgrades are a consideration to make if you’re interested in improving your commercial space but can’t afford a full renovation. After all, nobody is exempt from the need to take a toilet break once in a while, and it also helps keep the stress down. You can do more than just a simple aesthetic touch-up to the place. Why not add in some eco-friendly and energy-efficient features to help reduce your bills? The following are suggestions that you can consider for your green bathroom renovations:

Brighten Up the Place

Proper lighting is important for any part of your commercial space, and your bathrooms are no exception. If you still have them, your old incandescent bulbs can be taken out and replaced with the more economical LED lights, which eat up less electricity, last longer, and can even be brighter. Also, consider utilising certain fixtures that give you a more “open” feel to an otherwise small space, such as mirrors and other reflective surfaces. If your commercial bathrooms are placed on the edges of your floor area, you may also want to put in a couple of windows to make the most of natural light.

Conserve Water

Water is the most utilised resource in the bathroom, so a big part of being eco-friendly is using less of it. Get your toilets and faucets replaced with the low-flow versions that consume a lower amount but still get the job of flushing and washing done. It doesn’t seem that there is much of a difference considering the initial cost of the fixtures. However, if you add up all the expenses and compare them, you’ll find that you’re saving in the long run.

Bring in Colour

Bathroom design

If your bathroom is painted in drab and dull colours like the typical grey and white, then it may not be as inviting as you want it to be. Spruce it up by repainting it with non-VOC paint that gives off cooler hues of blue and green. These colours make the room feel much more relaxing and spacious than it actually is. Combine it with fragrant flowers and other items that exude pleasant smells such as potpourri and aromatherapy oils.

Choose Natural Furniture

Not all bathroom setups have only toilets, sinks, and the barest of divisions. If your commercial space is on the high end, then you’d most likely have a lounge area as well that needs furniture. The common kinds of material for furnishings usually release dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde, a known carcinogen. You can avoid contact with these harmful elements by using furniture made from all-natural and eco-friendly materials such as wood and recycled steel. You can have them custom-built or bought from the store.

These are but a few suggestions that you can consider for your green bathroom renovations. New technologies and innovations are made every so often, so you have more choices on what to use. To give both customers and staff a totally eco-friendly experience, you can choose to use environmentally friendly products as well. Going green can be slightly more expensive, but the assurance that you’ve helped nature out is worth the price.

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