Ways to Build a Sustainable House

Sustainability is more than a trend. It is a way of living that encourages reduced energy consumption, environment conservation, and land protection. It promotes the efficient use of available resources so that all generations, including the future ones, can enjoy them. How do you practice sustainability? It all begins in the home:

1. Improve Insulation

On average, a family in New Zealand produces up to 8 litres of moisture daily. It’s enough to increase the growth of moulds, which can pose health risks. It can also potentially damage the walls and the foundation of the house.

Increased moisture happens for many reasons, and one of these is the lack or inadequate insulation. It means the property has ineffective ventilation. It also suggests that the house is spending a lot of money on energy. The house is less likely to stay warm during the winter and cold during the summer.

Improving insulation provides the space with the warmth it needs during chilly nights. At the same time, it releases heat to keep it cool on hotter days. Most of all, it avoids dampness.

2. Use Plywood

Consider using interior plywood products for fit-outs and cabinetry, among others. Many people tend to have the wrong idea about wood. They believe it is responsible for deforestation.

Wood producers in New Zealand have to adhere to specific regulations. These include sustainable sourcing of the raw materials. These materials also release some of the highest amounts of oxygen, so they can help reduce the carbon footprint. Producing wood takes less energy and resources than creating other construction products such as steel.

3. Eat Local

local market

One, it prevents you from using your vehicle, which only contributes to carbon emissions. Second, it encourages you to eat only those fruits and vegetables that grow in season.

Eating locally grown food prevents land use changes that can harm the existing ecosystem or disturb biodiversity. It also prevents farmers from using more energy to produce out-of-season products. Most of all, they are likely to be healthier. They are fresher and better-tasting than out of season that may spend weeks inside the freezer.

4. Go Konmari

If you go to Netflix, you’ll find Marie Kondo, a Japanese woman famous for promoting a unique way of decluttering and organising—that is, you keep only those that spark joy.

The process prevents you from hoarding items that you don’t need and invites you to be more loving towards your belongings. You are more likely to take care of them well so they last longer. Besides, it’s more fun to return to your nest surrounded by lots of love and happiness.

5. Be Thoughtful

Practise mindfulness in everything you do. Before you buy groceries, think about the amount of plastic you can accumulate. Before you buy the pair of shoes, remember where the old ones can end up. When you turn on the faucet, consider the amount of water you will use.

Practising sustainability is not easy, so if you falter once in a while, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, continue as you will get better in time. Your home is the best example of that.

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