Health & Wellness

couple brushing their teeth

Can straighter teeth really improve your mental health? Five mental health benefits of invisible braces

In 2020, more people are talking openly about mental health. While it may seem odd to read an article that links mental health and dentistry together, there are many ways these two areas are interconnected, which go far beyond just having whiter teeth! If you are one of the many people worldwide whose smile is […]

Can straighter teeth really improve your mental health? Five mental health benefits of invisible braces Read More

Mental health

Mental Health Practices: What to Do Once the COVID-19 Quarantine Is Lifted

If you’re amongst the millions of people who are advised to practice self-isolation to avoid contracting the novel coronavirus, know that whatever you’re feeling right now—whether it’s anxiety, despair, or uncertainty—is valid. The real struggle lies in how well you could handle these emotions. If you’re used to always being out and about, being stuck

Mental Health Practices: What to Do Once the COVID-19 Quarantine Is Lifted Read More

dad and kids

The Upturned Pyramid — The US is Headed for Rough Times with Declining Birth Rates

If birth rates are an indicator, then the US is headed for rough times. Birth rates have been below replacement levels ever since the ’70s, creating an upturned pyramid where seniors grossly outnumber children. Fewer Births, Fewer Deaths As of 2017, only Nebraska and Utah maintained birthrates high enough to meet replacement levels (2.1 births

The Upturned Pyramid — The US is Headed for Rough Times with Declining Birth Rates Read More

Checking back acne

How to Get Rid of Irritating Bacne

Sadly, acne doesn’t just appear on the face. It can rear its ugly little head in any part of your body that has hair follicles or oil-secreting glands such as your back, shoulders, and chest. Bacne or back acne can be especially bothersome. Although 92% of individuals have facial acne, 60% of then suffer from

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Young loving couple in the bed

What Couples Should Expect When They Move in Together for the First Time

If you and your partner have reached this important part in your relationship and have come to the decision to move in together, then congratulations to the both of you. This is usually the part in the relationship where everything gets tricky because as they say, you never really know the person unless you get to

What Couples Should Expect When They Move in Together for the First Time Read More

Signing health insurance

Health Insurance Plan: What Diagnostic Radiology Procedures are Covered?

Nowadays, it is imperative that families avail themselves of good healthcare insurance. So many questions arise whether or not a specific procedure or treatment, be it diagnostic or invasive, is included in a health insurance plan. This article gives examples of the more popular inclusions in a health plan – diagnostic radiology tests here in

Health Insurance Plan: What Diagnostic Radiology Procedures are Covered? Read More

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