Common Travel Mishaps and How to Avoid Them

Traveling around a place such as Singapore can be very tricky even if you are a citizen, but especially more so if you’re a tourist. If you are not careful, you are vulnerable to some of the most common struggles and mishaps while traveling. You might argue that Singapore is seen as one of the safest places in the world. So that would provide comfort as you navigate the streets of this city-state. And this isn’t wrong.

According to Statistica, violent crime is rare in Singapore. The rate of intentional homicide is just 0.7 per 100 thousand citizens. The Singaporean government enforces a strict ban on the possession of firearms. It also helps that the Singaporean government also enforces strict standards on public vehicles’ safety, especially trains. This leads to reliable SMRT trains that people can ride around the city-state.

But even with these initiatives from the Singaporean government, it would not hurt to stay prepared as we take public vehicles to navigate Singapore. These are three of the most common travel mishaps and how you can avoid them.

Not Having Enough Money for Fare

Singapore has the reputation of having some of the most advanced, safest, and reliable public transportation in the world. This is why they don’t exactly come cheap. The mass rapid transit (MRT) or train system around the city-state is the most common transportation. It will cost you anywhere from SG$2.50 to SG$2.50 per ride. Yes, it seems easily affordable now, but it will cost you a lot if you plan to roam around the city and ride the trains multiple times.

So to ensure that you will be able to ride a train on your way home or back to your hotel, you can get a Singapore Tourist Pass (STP). This stored-value card allows people to have unlimited access to the trains for certain periods of time. It will cost you SG$10 for one-day access, SG$16 for two, and SG$20 for three.

Getting Pickpocketed

This is a danger that everyone should be careful of, no matter where they are. Yes, Singapore is regarded as one of the safest places in the world. In fact, cases of housebreaking and other related crimes such as theft decreased. From 281 cases in 2019, the number went down to 211 cases in 2020. But there are still pickpockets everywhere. To ensure the safety of your belongings, the only solution is to be very mindful of your bag. You need to remain vigilant at all times.

It helps to know that cases of theft are taken seriously in Singapore. Even cases of “finder’s keepers,” in which people find belongings such as wallets and keep them are subjected to legal repercussions. Even accessing wireless connections without consent is considered theft. Those who committed this crime may pay a fine of up to SG$10,000 or be jailed for up to three years.

2 women at a train station platform

Getting Lost

This is probably the most common travel mishaps that tourists face in any country, not just Singapore. Because Singapore is such a rich and vibrant city-state, it’s easy to get distracted by the shopping stalls, food centers, and tourist spots. Yes, many might argue that “getting lost” and freely exploring a place would be the best way to get to know a new country. It would be the best way to interact with the locals and be fully immersed in their culture.

There’s definitely something thrilling — and even romantic — about being that spontaneous as you travel. In partnership with the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), the Australian government even launched the “Get Lost and Find the Real Singapore” campaign back in 2012. This campaign urged Australians to explore the city and “get lost in it.”

But the excitement of it all can get distinguished pretty quickly when you need to get back to your hotel after a long day of traveling. So the best thing that you can do is always make sure that you have a travel guide. It could be in the form of a local citizen or a map on your phone. It’s a simple solution that anyone should be able to do.

Traveling around a city-state like Singapore isn’t easy. But it can definitely be fun. To ensure that you will always have a good time as you explore it as a tourist or as a local, you need to take a few extra precautions to remain safe and secured. This way, no matter how much you enjoyed exploring, you can always safely find your way home.

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